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North American Accreditation Forum (NAAF) launches...
The North American Accreditation Forum (NAAF), a non-profit spearheaded by accreditation bodies across North America, was just launched on June 9, 2023. It provides a platform for accreditation bodies, industry associations...
Accreditation Bulletin
Overhauled Accreditation Program Overview
Action required SCC’s Accreditation Program Overview has been redesigned, and is now broken down into separate Program Overviews for each accreditation program. Customers are urged to take note of these changes and update...
Beijing Kun Biao Certification & Inspection Co...
File Number
Management Systems
MS Program Specialty Areas
Behind the standards: How Abdel Kassou is shaping...
We sat down with Abdel Kassou, director of Accreditation Services at the Standards Council of Canada, to learn more about his role and what drives his passion for accreditation. As a leader in ensuring that conformity...
Accreditation Program Manual - Accreditation ...
Version 16 – April 2024 The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is a federal Crown corporation established by the Standards Council of Canada Act (“the Act”) of the Parliament in 1970 to foster and promote efficient and...
SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process...
The purpose of this document is to outline the additional criteria and guidance for product, process, and service certification bodies, above and beyond the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065:2012. These requirements and guidance...
Conformity Assessment in Canada: Understanding...
This report provides a broad overview of the conformity assessment system, what it is, how it operates, its social and economic importance to Canada, and the implications for internal trade.
SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Presentation...
This document provides guidance in the preparation of the Scope of Testing or Proficiency Testing Providers to be presented for submission to the SCC Program for Accreditation of Laboratories with an application for...
Standardization Solutions to Remove Trade Barriers...
The case studies and priorities outlined in this report will help steer the conversation on how to continue to align standards in order to reduce red tape and administrative burden for Canadian businesses and lead to...
Pierre Bilodeau
Dr. Bilodeau is Vice President, Standardization Services at the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), Canada’s national standards body and leading accreditation organization. His tenure with the SCC commenced in 2021 within the...
The Case for Aligning Requirements for Water ...
This report, undertaken by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), focuses on increasing internal trade by addressing the ways standards can act as a barrier to trade. It explores the issues with CRN requirements in Canada...